High-performance dosing technology for water treatment at the Berlin-Waßmannsdorf wastewater treatment plant.
Wastewater treatment has been taking place in Waßmannsdorf for more than 100 years. The wastewater treatment plant in Schönefeld, Brandenburg, supplies the citizens of Berlin and the surrounding area with clean water and contributes to environmental protection. As part of the expansion of the purification capacity of the wastewater treatment plant, Alltech was able to supply flocculant systems with dosing stations and post-dilution and a dosing station for defoamers with post-dilution for the flocculation filtration system.
From preliminary purification to flocculation filtration
In the wastewater treatment plant, the wastewater is first cleaned mechanically and biologically. In the flocculation filtration plant, suspended solids and phosphates are concentrated into larger flocs using polymer flocculants and then retained in sand filters. This reduces the nutrient input into the water, supports the water cycle and thus conserves drinking water resources.
Dosing systems from Alltech ensure the trouble-free and safe functioning of flocculation filtration
A fully automatic solution and dosing system for polymer flocculants CONTINUFLOC is used at the Waßmannsdorf wastewater treatment plant. To create redundancy for maintenance and repair, the solution and dosing system is designed in two lines. The two lines can be fed alternately with either liquid polymer concentrate or granulate. One dosing station is used for viscous media (polymer concentrate). This dosing station was delivered completely assembled on a stand console ready for operation. In the event of leakage, the dosing stations are placed in a chemical collecting pan. The collection pan is made of PE 100 and manufactured in accordance with DVS (German Association for Welding and Allied Processes) and DIBt (German Institute for Building Technology) regulations. For the polymer granulate, which is used as an alternative, Alltech supplied a complete BIG BAG discharge station with two AIRLIFT powder conveyors.
No unpleasant foams
Biologically purified wastewater flows into the flocculation filtration system. This contains tensides, which can lead to visually undesirable foaming. To prevent this, the Waßmannsdorf sewage treatment plant uses a dosing station for defoamers mounted on a wall mounting plate in a chemical collecting pan. The splash guard prevents splash leaks and thus protects operating personnel and the environment.
A total of three dosing pumps from the FKM series for viscous media are used. The pumps are designed so that, if necessary, all dosing points can be supplied with one dosing pump.

Polymer preparation system CONTINUFLOC.